Saturday, December 23, 2006

Silent Night

The original was done on a 4"x4" ceramic tile during my time at the painting studio. It was rather bland with purple and pale yellow skylights. I've revamped the color scheme and added the mountain with some subtle details for a X'mas greeting card. (Medium - Digital) Copyright 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Designed for a school's wall mural project themed "Humility". Not exactly one of the easiest topic to draw, most kids painted images of religious figures like the Buddha. I needed something different so I came up with this. (6"X6" tile - Ceramic Painting) Copyright 2003

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lilies - Digital

Done as a farewell gift for my Japanese ex-manager, this was redone from a previous attempt some years ago when I was still new to Photoshop. I have totally revamped the look of the piece but kept the basic elements - the lilies and the stained glass look. This is now hanging on their living room wall. (Medium - Digital) Copyright 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Luna Lane - Digital

This was done as a farewell gift for my Japanese ex-manager and his wife. She liked my first digital drawing (see Lilies - Digital) I did for them and requested for another. The ceramic original, Luna Lane, can be found in an earlier post. Both mediums allowed me to experiment with various details. So, which do you like best? (Medium - Digital) Copyright 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Based on the "Peace" theme for a school's mural, I created this one to test different hues of green. Can you spot the dragonfly? (6"X6" tile - Ceramic Painting) Copyright 2003

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Joy Series

Singing In the Rain
Part of the "Joy" series done for a school project. They are now happily residing on a wall mural. What better way to express joy than through song and dance? (6"X6" tile - Ceramic Painting) Copyright 2003